Hi digital family/world.
I will post something for the masses. I will try to get some pictures up here of my life. This is actually a really good thing because a goal of mine has been to take more pictures, so now I have a reason to do so.
This has been an interesting summer so far. I say interesting because I've basically been homeless now for about 6 weeks - luckily some of that was spent on a super awesome cruise and some at our friend's grandma's house (which smelled like old people...not the good kind). The rest of the time, I have been sleeping in Dennis...the bus. Yes...the bus. (for those who may not know, Stuart owns a short bus - yes, like for special kids - that he uses to transport his band and their instruments. Early this summer, he converted it so that it has fold-down seats that turn into beds - you know - the ultimate rock n'roll touring vehicle for poor musicians).
While my stuff has been officially moved into our new house - I have not. My life is boxed away and strewn around my 1955 duplex accept for a small bag I carry to and from the gym when I have to shower (which I found is actually really good motivation to go to the gym). I also have a small suitcase of clothes, which is getting a bit old. I think once I finally move in, I'll feel like I inherited a whole new wardrobe because I haven't seen those clothes in forever.
Good news is that we were able to shower in our house for the first time yesterday - what a luxury.
Here is a list of the things I've found myself doing this summer:
--Sleeping in a bus
--Showering at 24 Hour Fitness
--Eating out too too much
--Becoming an expert mudder/sander/vacuumer/mudder/sander/vacummer/mudder/sander
(if you've mudded before, you know what I mean - right Jace? Before we even started, I told Stuart that I bet I would be good at mudding because I'm really good at frosting sugar cookies - sure enough. I'm pretty much the best I know...besides Dad of course. I blame it on being super detail oriented and kind of anal)
--Tiling a bathroom all by myself- which involved using a tile cutter, grouting, cleaning, etc...
--sheet rocking
--using my front lawn as a parking lot during the Miley Cyrus concert at the BYU Stadium and making $120.
--and much much more.
It's not so bad. The only real repercussion is crying. I find myself breaking down at the very littlest things. Other than that, as long as you can keep the end in sight, ignore the mess (for now), and put on a happy face, it's actually a good..eh, interesting..experience.
I'll try to get some pictures up to illustrate our handiwork.
Love you all!